'We make boating fun'
t:01489 588977
RYA Training Centre MCA PCA

Booking Form – Old

    Name of Course (required)

    Date From (required)

    Date To (required)

    Name of Student (required)

    Date of Birth (required) dd/mm/yy

    Address (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Telephone No (required)

    Mobile No

    Your Email (required)

    Health (required)
    I declare to the best of my knowledge, I am fit to participate in the course applied for. I will inform Mendez Marine of any Heart condition, Dizzy spells, Epilepsy, Diabetes or other condition before attendance on the course. If none enter 'none'.

    Suffering from any of the above will not preclude you from any activity, but will assist the instructor on the course of action to take in the event of an emergency.

    I can swim 50 metres:
    ConfidentlyModeratelyWeakNot at all

    Dietary requirements
    Please note we can only cater basic requirements such as vegetarian or food allergies please call the office if in doubt.

    Emergency Shoreside Contact Name (required)

    Emergency Shoreside Contact Telephone No

    Emergency Shoreside Contact Mobile No (required)

    I agree to theTerms and Conditions.

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