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RYA Training Centre MCA PCA

RYA Day Skipper Practical

The RYA Day Skipper practical motor course is four days long making it the best course for those new, or with a little experience of motor cruising and wishing to Skipper their own motor cruiser. This RYA training course is designed to consolidate what you learned on the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course by offering practical application for what you need to know to safely navigate a motor cruiser in local waters berthing in marinas or anchorages in secluded spots. You will also learn to handle the boat in close quarters situations. This course is also available as Own Boat Tuition.

This course can also help you get the best out of electronic navigational aids such as GPS and radar, which are now virtually standard equipment on modern motor cruisers.

For those that do not have the required theory knowledge (or need a refresher), and don’t need the RYA Shorebased certificate for a Commercial Endorsement, we now offer a 6-day Day Skipper. This is two days in the classroom immediately followed but the practical course. The days in the classroom allow time for the instructor to bring your theory up to the level required to get the most out of your practical course. There is not enough time on the 4-day practical to teach the theory and navigation required so if you aren’t sure if you have the Theory Knowledge try our assessment quiz

Assessment Quiz Click Here

Book a 6-day Day Skipper for £1305 per person. Two days in the classroom to refresh or bring your navigation and theory up to the level required to comfortably pass your 4 day RYA Day Skipper Practical Course.

To book the 6 days please click here.

How can I take this course?

  • On our school boat on our timetables.
  • On our school boat, in your group, you choose the dates.
  • On your own boat, we come to you.

The RYA Day Skipper Practical course is held on our school boat, Fenland Dancer. She is a Princess 368 with a fly bridge and 2 x 300Hp Cummins engines on shafts. She has the latest Raymarine electronic equipment and her salon was refurbished summer 2019.

Any classroom work takes place in the Mendez Marine office or onboard Fenland Dancer.

Due to the impact of the increase in fuel prices we have had to raise the cost of our courses with effect March 2022.  

Pre-course experience 2 days practical experience on a motor cruiser or RYA Helmsman
Assumed knowledge Basic navigation and helmsmanship. It is recommended that you either complete an On-line or Classroom Day Skipper Theory course, before taking this practical course.  Or book the 6-day Day Skipper Course  
Minimum duration 4 days: The course generally runs from 9am to 5pm.  One of the days includes a night exercise so will run to 10pm or 11pm depending on the time of year.
Minimum age 16 years
Maximum Student : Instructor Ratio5 : 1.  As a rule we keep number so 4 : 1, if you did want a group of 5 then plan for an additional day
Course content Preparation for sea, boat handling, navigation, pilotage, passage making, meteorology, rules of the road, engines, emergency situations, introduction to night cruising.  
Materials ProvidedG158 – RYA Yachtmaster scheme and Log book, RYA Certificate – PHOTO needed
Recommended ReadingG97 Day skipper Handbook, G6 Navigation Handbook, DSPCN Day Skipper Practical Course Notes,
Ability after the course Able to skipper a motor cruiser in familiar waters by day

Support Courses: RYA Day Skipper Theory – online or classroom,   RYA VHF Radio, RYA Sea Survival, RYA First Aid

Next Step: RYA Advanced Pilotage,  RYA Coastal/ Yachtmaster Theory  RYA Radar

If interested this Course Completion certificate can be commercially endorses. click here for information.

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