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RYA Training Centre MCA PCA

Newsletter Articles Category


Recovery of a Person overboard

If you have ever done an RYA training course you will have learnt how to get back to a person in the water, otherwise known as the MOB or Man OverBoard. Now at the start of the season it’s a really good time to actually go and practice that manoeuvre, so it’s all fresh in the mind. It is also not a bad moment to…
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What can you do to ensure a smooth start to your 2014 boating season?

With a hint of sunshine, are you, or more importantly your boat ready to go afloat? It may sound simple, but draw up a pre-launch checklist, either for you or your boatyard to carry out. This will help to significantly reduce the risk of potential accidents, breakdowns, or worse, sinking. These checks are particularly important after Winter where skin fittings, pipes, engines and water-cooling systems…
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After the storms…

Well what a month it has been, severe storms seem to have been happening almost from the moment I finished my last article. Anybody with a boat or a vague interest in the sea will have been concerned with the impact of the weather, and as for the poor souls inland, well we all know that the Somerset levels are meant to flood – they…
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Why Cruise with Mendez Marine?

A Cruise in Company with a couple of other boats always seems to be a great idea, until you start to do the difficult part of organising the when, where, which marinas, for how long, then you just need a route, some waypoints and a bit of tide, easy really all that’s left is to sort out the weather! There is another way, Mendez Marine…
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